Poetry Competition - Meet Our Finalists!
Throughout September, students from 3rd to 8th grade participated in our internal poetry competition.
In a new event organized by the school's English department, explored the topic of cultural diversity under the motto: “Diverse in culture, united by language”. Students were greeted by their teachers dressed as different literary characters led by a Celtic bagpiper and its amazing show.
Students enjoyed activities such as “Funky Fun,” rock concerts, storytelling, artistic performances, scientific experiments, and even exhibitions by their older peers on cultural legacies, sports, typical food, career choices, and more.
For months, the teachers and students worked together to organize this important event, by working with the students on how to give oral presentations, how to prepare stands and most importantly, how to work collaboratively to achieve a common goal.
Manuela Cisternas, English Coordinator, expressed: “We are incredibly proud of the way our students presented their projects! Their hard work truly shone through, and it was inspiring to see their impressive ability to express themselves in English. Their dedication and talent made the presentations exceptional”.
Throughout September, students from 3rd to 8th grade participated in our internal poetry competition.
Los alumnos del CVD conocieron las historias de vida de dos hermanas Siervas del Espíritu Santo y del Padre Rector.
En la misa dominical, la comunidad escolar recordó el importante legado de Arnoldo Janssen y José Freinademetz.
Este 2024 se desarrolló la versión número 21 de este tradicional espacio organizado por el CVD.
Acompañados de sus familias y profesores, los niños realizaron la tan añorada primera comunión.
La instancia tenía como objetivo ayudarlos a decidir las asignaturas que tomarán el próximo año de manera informada.
En la salida pedagógica del nivel, los niños conocieron los casi 400 módulos que se encuentran dispuestos en el lugar.
Con mucho entusiasmo, los niños de este taller se dirigen cada semana a esta área verde del colegio para cuidar las especies nativas que ahí se encuentran y aprender distintas técnicas de plantación.
Los estudiantes del electivo de ciencias de la salud conocieron las instalaciones y aprendieron de anatomía y fisiología humana.
Organizado por el Centro de Alumnos del CVD, el certamen congregó a grupos como Amigos de Artistas, Nachosky, Standly, Jere Klein y Flak.